Market Update

56921 Blue Plums scaled

APPLES The market is stable; storage supplies are sufficient. Quality is very good. Fuji, Gala, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, and Red Delicious Apples are available.

ASPARAGUS Prices are fairly steady. Volume is up in the Central Mexico growing region. Peruvian stocks will supplement any potential shortages. Quality is very good; spears are straight with closed tips.

AVOCADO The market is starting to inch down. The Flora Loca crop is getting underway in Mexico. California yields will supplement any supply gaps.

BELL PEPPERS Strong demand will keep prices high for another week. Hot weather has tightened stocks on both coasts. Several East Coast regions are slated to begin summer harvests in early August. Red Bell Peppers are limited.

BLACKBERRIES Markets are elevated; high temperatures have caused a supply gap in California. Once production starts in the Pacific Northwest, prices will start to inch down. Quality is fair; some red cell and soft skin has been reported.

BLUEBERRIES Prices are level. Mexican and Pacific Northwest supplies are adequate. Quality ranges from good to very good; slight dehydration is being reported due to warmer temperatures in Mexico.

BROCCOLI The market is fairly steady; stocks are increasing across several growing regions. Occurrences of hollow cores, branchy crown structures, and yellowing are on the rise after recent West Coast heat.

CANTALOUPE California’s San Joaquin Valley melon season is reaching peak production; prices are low, especially for large sizes. Quality is very good, but high heat is causing occasional sunburn and over ripeness.

CAULIFLOWER Weak markets persist; volume is high. Quality is average; insect pressure is an occasional quality issue in some lots.

CELERY Prices are low. Yields are high in Salinas and Santa Maria, California. Michigan supplies are adequate. Quality is very good; disease pressure is minimal.

CHILI PEPPERS Anaheim, Jalapeno, and Serrano markets are inching down. Pasilla prices are fairly stable. Habanero, Red Fresno, and Shishito markets will remain elevated for the next few weeks or until harvesting moves to Baja.

CUCUMBERS Prices are level. Super sizes are limited on the East Coast; select-grade stocks are abundant. Quality is very good; skins are smooth and texture is firm.

GRAPES California green and red seedless supplies are shipping; markets will inch down in August.

GREEN LEAF Prices remain low; Salinas Valley stocks are ample. Quality is very good; any defects are being removed in the fields.

HONEYDEW California’s San Joaquin Valley melon season is reaching peak production; prices are low, especially for large sizes. Quality is very good, but high heat is causing occasional sunburn and over ripeness.

ICEBERG Prices are inching down; Salinas Valley supplies are plentiful. Quality is good; any defects caused by insects, sun, and wind are being trimmed at harvest.

LEMONS Expect high markets for 165- through 235-count fruit. Offshore and Mexican supplies will supplement domestic shortages through December.

LIMES Improved weather and weaker demand have decreased markets a bit. Quality is good but oil spotting and stylar are occasional issues following recent rains.

ONIONS Red onion prices have eased. Yellow and white markets are steady. New crop harvesting will start in Washington, Oregon/Idaho, Colorado, Michigan, and New York throughout August.

ORANGES Markets remain high. The California Valencia crop is dominated by large sizes; small fruit (113- and 138-count oranges) remains limited. With many schools starting in the next few weeks, small-size fruit will become even tighter. Imported Navel volume will increase over the next few weeks as the Chilean and South African seasons get underway.

PEARS California-grown pears are being shipped; expect prices to inch down in August. The Washington pear season has ended. Imports are available from Argentina and Chile.

PINEAPPLES Markets are high. Costa Rica’s recent drought has slowed crop growth; volume is down 50%. Mexican stocks are scarce due to poor weather; most fruit is not being exported.

RED/YELLOW POTATOES Idaho prices are up; remaining storage supplies are limited. New crop production is slated to begin next week in Minnesota, Washington, and Wisconsin. Storage crop Red and Yellow Potatoes will ship through early August.

POTATOES Markets for 40- and 70-count supplies remain elevated; 80- to 100-count prices are stable. Washington new crop harvesting will start next week followed by Idaho in mid- to late August, and Colorado in early September. Overall quality is good; air checks, pressure, and shoulder bruising will be seen sporadically. Burbank Potatoes are available.

RASPBERRIES Prices are above-normal levels; supplies are limited. Once production increases, prices will start to inch down.

ROMAINE The market is low; stocks are ample. Quality is good; internal burn and tip burn are affecting some lots in the Salinas Valley.

STRAWBERRIES Prices are steady. Volume is decreasing as the Santa Maria and Salinas/ Watsonville seasons have passed their peaks. Hot weather has caused dark color in some lots, but overall quality remains very good.

TOMATOES Prices are fairly stable. East Coast supplies are plentiful. Harvesting is underway in Alabama, North Carolina, and Virginia. Mexican stocks are increasing in Baja and Central Mexico. Although current yields are high in California’s San Joaquin Valley, a supply gap is expected later this season. Quality is very good.

TREE FRUIT The market is steady. California nectarines and peaches will ship through mid September. Plums will remain available through mid-October. Quality is very good; nectarine sugar levels range from 10 to 12 Brix, while those for peaches vary from 11 to 13 Brix. Plums are sweeter at 14 to 17 Brix.

WATERMELON Prices are level. California’s San Joaquin Valley stocks are ample. Production is increasing on the East Coast and Mexico. Quality is very good

ZUCCHINI Prices are weak. Production is underway in several East and West Coast growing regions. Quality is very good; skins are smooth and flavor is pleasantly bitter.


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